Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Last Night at School Committee distills hours-long public meetings into half-hour podcast episodes
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Stories on Business Models

“In this vision, the community librarian facilitating conversations around authoritative, trusted digital news is as celebrated as the dogged reporter pursuing a scoop.”
BDG CEO Bryan Goldberg called Gawker “a pre-monetization product,” but the brand is really old in internet years.
When staff at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette walked off the job 100 days ago, they became the first newspaper to strike in decades. They’ve already been followed by more.
Times journalists join employees at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, many of whom have been on strike since October, and at The Fort Worth Star-Telegram, who have been on strike since November 28.
Eleven takeaways as Lookout Santa Cruz enters its third year.
“What I believe consumers want is to be able to get multiple sources of news in their feed.”
More money should go to news organizations directly — even if that means making hard choices.
NPR estimates less than 1% of its 20 million weekly digital users give to their local stations.
help wanted
“$15/hour to $125,000”?