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Last Night at School Committee distills hours-long public meetings into half-hour podcast episodes
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Feb. 10, 2022, 2:55 p.m.
LINK:  ➚   |   Posted by: Sarah Scire   |   February 10, 2022

A dateline does not, paradoxically, include a date. Instead, it typically indicates where a story was written and reported. (See: Mission, Texas or Windham, N.H.) The New York Times is experimenting with expanding these brief bits of text to add more color and nuance to the top of their stories.

Edmund Lee, who covered media and technology at the newspaper before joining a new standards team in September 2021, described the new format as “more plainspoken about who we are and where we’re doing our reporting.”

He highlighted a story about truck driver shortages by Peter S. Goodman that notes the reporter “spent three days riding shotgun, from Kansas City, Mo. to Fort Worth and back.”

Another story by Andrew Keh notes he’s reporting from inside the Olympic bubble in Beijing and an article by Amanda Morris shares that the journalist’s own experiences as a disabled person inform her reporting.

Lee asked for feedback. Folks gave it!

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Last Night at School Committee distills hours-long public meetings into half-hour podcast episodes
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